Article Bug Fix by Daniel Stelzer

"Fixes for two small bugs with indefinite articles."
Jump to extension code


Includes and Included by are omitted for modules with errors


You wrote 'Include (- Global short_name_case; Global sup [...] return;
print (PSN__) obj; ]; -) instead of "Object Names II" in "Printing.i6t"' article bug fix by daniel
stelzer: but this syntax was withdrawn in
April 2022, in favour of a more finely controlled inclusion command. See
the manual, but you can probably get what you want using 'replacing
"SomeFunctionName".' rather than 'instead of ...'.
Copy Include Article Bug Fix by Daniel Stelzer to clipboard Include Article Bug Fix by Daniel Stelzer.
This is a quick fix for a bug with printing the articles of containers. I made this extension as a wrapper around I6 code by eu.

EDIT: It now includes a fix by Zarf for an unrelated bug.

Example: * Lab

Lab is a room. An urn is a container in the lab. The player carries a ball.

The indefinite article of the urn is "an".

Rule for printing the name of the urn when looking:
omit contents in listing;
say "urn";
if the ball is in the urn:
say " with [a ball] in it".

Test me with "look/put ball in urn/look".
Article Bug Fix by Daniel Stelzer begins here.

"Fixes for two small bugs with indefinite articles."

"wrapping I6 code by eu and zarf"

Include (-
Global short_name_case;
Global suppress_articles = false;

[ PrefaceByArticle obj acode pluralise capitalise i artform findout artval;
     if (suppress_articles) {
   print (PSN__) obj; return;
     if (obj provides articles) {
         if (capitalise)
             print (Cap) artval, " ";
             print (string) artval, " ";
         if (pluralise) return;
         print (PSN__) obj; return;

     i = GetGNAOfObject(obj);
     if (pluralise) {
         if (i < 3 || (i >= 6 && i < 9)) i = i + 3;
     i = LanguageGNAsToArticles-->i;

     artform = LanguageArticles
         + 3*WORDSIZE*LanguageContractionForms*(short_name_case + i*LanguageCases);

     #Iftrue (LanguageContractionForms == 2);
     if (artform-->acode ~= artform-->(acode+3)) findout = true;
     #Endif; ! LanguageContractionForms
     #Iftrue (LanguageContractionForms == 3);
     if (artform-->acode ~= artform-->(acode+3)) findout = true;
     if (artform-->(acode+3) ~= artform-->(acode+6)) findout = true;
     #Endif; ! LanguageContractionForms
     #Iftrue (LanguageContractionForms == 4);
     if (artform-->acode ~= artform-->(acode+3)) findout = true;
     if (artform-->(acode+3) ~= artform-->(acode+6)) findout = true;
     if (artform-->(acode+6) ~= artform-->(acode+9)) findout = true;
     #Endif; ! LanguageContractionForms
     #Iftrue (LanguageContractionForms > 4);
     findout = true;
     #Endif; ! LanguageContractionForms

     #Ifdef TARGET_ZCODE;
     if (standard_interpreter ~= 0 && findout) {
         suppress_articles = true;
         StorageForShortName-->0 = 160;
         @output_stream 3 StorageForShortName;
         if (pluralise) print (number) pluralise; else print (PSN__) obj;
         @output_stream -3;
         acode = acode + 3*LanguageContraction(StorageForShortName + 2);
         suppress_articles = false;
     #Ifnot; ! TARGET_GLULX
     if (findout) {
         suppress_articles = true;
         if (pluralise)
             Glulx_PrintAnyToArray(StorageForShortName, 160, EnglishNumber, pluralise);
             Glulx_PrintAnyToArray(StorageForShortName, 160, PSN__, obj);
         acode = acode + 3*LanguageContraction(StorageForShortName);
         suppress_articles = false;
     #Endif; ! TARGET_

     Cap (artform-->acode, ~~capitalise); ! print article
     if (pluralise) return;
     print (PSN__) obj;
-) instead of "Object Names II" in "Printing.i6t".

Include (-
Replace CIndefArt;
-) before "Printing.i6t".

Include (-
[ CPrintText text length i;
   VM_PrintToBuffer (StorageForShortName, 160, TEXT_TY_Say, text);

   length = StorageForShortName-->0;

   StorageForShortName->WORDSIZE = VM_LowerToUpperCase(StorageForShortName->WORDSIZE);
   for (i=WORDSIZE: i<length+WORDSIZE: i++) print (char) StorageForShortName->i;
   if (i>WORDSIZE) say__p = 1;

[ CIndefArt obj i;
   if (obj == 0) { LIST_WRITER_INTERNAL_RM('X'); rtrue; }
   i = indef_mode; indef_mode = true;
   if (obj has proper) {
     indef_mode = NULL;
     caps_mode = true;
     print (PSN__) obj;
     indef_mode = i;
     caps_mode = false;
   if ((obj provides article) && (TEXT_TY_Compare(obj.article, EMPTY_TEXT_VALUE) ~= 0)) {
     CPrintText(obj.article); print " ", (PSN__) obj; indef_mode = i;
   PrefaceByArticle(obj, 2, 0, 1); indef_mode = i;
-) after "Printing.i6t".

Article Bug Fix ends here.